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I'm Celia Bell (Formerly Celia Helfrich), a dedicated visual storyteller passionate about crafting experiences. I thrive on pushing my creative boundaries and exploring the infinite ways design plays

a role in our daily lives.


After earning my MFA in Museum Exhibition Planning and Design from the University of the Arts, I've been channeling my craft at the History Colorado Center, where I contribute to their design and production department. When the opportunity arises, I freelance my design services or consult with fellow museum professionals to enrich my understanding of responsible storytelling.


I'm known for my enthusiasm, and those who collaborate with me can attest to my ability to uncover a captivating story in any subject matter. While my curiosity knows no bounds, I'm particularly drawn to exploring controversial topics and revealing "hidden" facets

of history.


Feel free to reach out if you need creative services or would simply like to "geek out" on your love for museums or design. 

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Celia Bell
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